Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period

In this post, I will be explaining the time period of the event and finding different news stories at different levels of news; Local, National, and Global.
File:Wikinews Breaking News.png
Vask. "Wikinews Breaking News" uploaded 2/13/2005 via wikimedia. Creative Commons
This event happened on May 27th, 2015. This was headline news at any level, so the tabloids were full of stories about this controversy. One story related to this controversy would be the arrival of a group of international medical experts who gathered in Zurich before the FIFA officials arrived. They were there to meet with the FIFA officials and discuss the medical research that was to be done on behalf of FIFA.  Local news does not have much more in the way of related stories, but there were a few stories that came up around the time of this event. There was a deadly shooting in a town in northern Switzerland, northwest of Zurich. Five people were killed on May 10th, 2015.

Nationally, this event still took the first page. A few other things of note that were happening in Switzerland were scientists understanding why there are holes in Swiss cheese, and the restarting of a large Hadron Collider. Scientists discovered that the reason there are holes in Swiss cheese is simple; there is hay in the milk that is used to make the cheese. The milk turns to cheese and the hay does nothing, leaving behind the signature holes that has made swiss cheese famous. After two years of upgrades, scientists have reactivated the large Hadron Collider located at CERN. They hope to keep it running for three years straight, on the quest to discover dark matter.

Globally, this was not the biggest event that happened in May (though it was up there). In a historic vote, Ireland became the first country to legalize gay marriage by popular vote, winning 62% to 38%. This historic event took place on May 22nd, 2015. A week later, on May 29th, 2015, the U.S. officially took Cuba off of the state-sponsored terrorism list, which was an act done by Obama to normalize relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

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