Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

In this post I will be providing a self-Assessment of my Final Project.
Nathalya Cubas. "The Self" Uploaded 5/9/2013 via wikipedia. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
I am not a huge fan of what I have created. I think that is is fairly mediocre, definitely not my best work. I think I did a good job on fitting in the genre conventions of a QRG, but I think my content might be a bit lacking. I wish that I had managed my time better so that I allowed myself an extre couple of hours to thoroughly edit my final draft.

I think my project is weakest in content. I am nervous that I did not include enough detail about the stakeholders in my work. I think I should have added a little more detail to each stakeholder and maybe even add an entire other stakeholder to help my reader understand the full effects of this controversy.

I think I did a good job when it comes to conventions. I utilized hyperlinks, pictures, and sub-headings in my QRG. I think that if someone read my work they would identify it as a QRG.

Like I said before, my time management was not great. It was signifacantly better than it was when doing projects like this in my past, but it still was not good enough to ensure that I produced the best work that I could.

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