Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Setting

In this post, I will be describing the setting of the event to you.
File:Zürich - Schanzengraben - Baur au Lac 2010-07-07 15-22.jpg
Roland Zh. "Schanzengraben" Uploaded 8/9/2010 via wikimedia. Creative Commons.

The setting of this controversy would be the Bar Au Lac Hotel in Zurich. The Hotel is a beautiful example of Swiss architecture and has proudly been a part of the hotel industry for 170 years. Located in bustling Zurich, Bar Au Lac attracts some of the richest and most influential people in the world to its beautiful suites. Overlooking the lake with a beautiful view of the Alps, this is truly the perfect spot for a hotel. This world-famous hotel is perched upon its spot of fame for a reason, with its beautiful lakeside park and access to the Bahnhofstrasse, which is a breath-taking shopping street. Guests can delight in the cool air and enjoy the smells and tastes of the fresh cooked food in any one of the four dining rooms.

It is ironic to think that this beautiful hotel would be the sight of this catastrophic scandal. Imagine the surprise of the locals and other tourists when they learned that there were seven arrests of major FIFA officials. Taken from their rooms behind white sheets and taken into custody in broad daylight for all to see must have been a humbling experience. This just goes to show you that no matter how affluent or no matter where you are you are always subject to the law.

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