Friday, February 26, 2016

My Discipline

In this post, I will be talking about my discipline.
Meeting, Talk, Entertainment, Together, Cooperation
Marco, Peggy. "Meeting Talk Entertainment" Uploaded 8/13/2010 via pixabay. Public Domain
1. Students in the field of business learn how to function in one of the many aspects of the business world. There is accounting, finance, economics, entrepreneurship, and many more.

2. People with degrees will go on to be accountants, financial advisors, investment bankers, professors, economists, and so on. 

3. I have always been fascinated with money and the economy, so this field appealed to me.

4. Warren Buffett is the most interesting businessmen in the world today. He is a businessman and investor and is responsible for how successful he is now. At the age of 35 hee took control of the Company Berkshire Hathaway. He is noe known as an investment guru and a celebrated philanthropist.

Mark Zuckerberg is another interesting businessman. My interest in him is fueled by the movie "The Social Network". I loved the movie and have been paying attention to him since then. He invented Facebook, which is the source of his great wealth.

Another businessman I favor is Bill Gates. I like him mostly because of his philanthropy and positive public influence. The founder of  Microsoft has amassed a massive wealth and respect through his philanthropy and business.

5. Top Journals in Business

1. Journal of Finance, UK.

2. Academy of Management Annals, US.

3. Handbook of NASDAQ Stocks, US.

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