Friday, February 26, 2016

Report on my Interviews

In this post, I will be discussing my interviews.
Jimmie. "Lab Report" Uploaded on 3/28/2009 via flickr. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
1. The most significant genre my interviewees used was email. They used email to communicate with clients, students, their peers, and anyone who needs to contact them. They also both used powerpoint as an aid to presenting their material to clients or students, and excel to process and represent data.

2. As I learned from my interviews, the genre changed greatly based on the audience. For example, the conventions of an email wild change based on who they were emailing, but the same basic conventions always applied. Emails always tended to be more conversational and slightly less formal, and also more numerous. Powerpoints incorporated different types of media and less text, and excel is all numbers.

3. The professionals I interviewed both had trouble transitioning into the modern types of communication. AS I mentioned in a previous blog post, neither of them were very prominent on social media. They said that the requirement of constant updating and monitoring was the most challenging part of using social media and communicating with the newer generations.

4. The most exciting thing about writing in the business world is the response. They look forward to seeing how their pieces are received by their audience. 

5. This type of writing is not usually featured in mass media, as it is mostly behind the scenes work and correspondence. However, some of the audits that Julie Klewer writes or the research papers that Dr. Williams writes could be featured in mass media.

My Discipline

In this post, I will be talking about my discipline.
Meeting, Talk, Entertainment, Together, Cooperation
Marco, Peggy. "Meeting Talk Entertainment" Uploaded 8/13/2010 via pixabay. Public Domain
1. Students in the field of business learn how to function in one of the many aspects of the business world. There is accounting, finance, economics, entrepreneurship, and many more.

2. People with degrees will go on to be accountants, financial advisors, investment bankers, professors, economists, and so on. 

3. I have always been fascinated with money and the economy, so this field appealed to me.

4. Warren Buffett is the most interesting businessmen in the world today. He is a businessman and investor and is responsible for how successful he is now. At the age of 35 hee took control of the Company Berkshire Hathaway. He is noe known as an investment guru and a celebrated philanthropist.

Mark Zuckerberg is another interesting businessman. My interest in him is fueled by the movie "The Social Network". I loved the movie and have been paying attention to him since then. He invented Facebook, which is the source of his great wealth.

Another businessman I favor is Bill Gates. I like him mostly because of his philanthropy and positive public influence. The founder of  Microsoft has amassed a massive wealth and respect through his philanthropy and business.

5. Top Journals in Business

1. Journal of Finance, UK.

2. Academy of Management Annals, US.

3. Handbook of NASDAQ Stocks, US.

My Interviewees on Social Media

In this post I will be examining the social media presence of my interviewees.
Solis, Brian. "Diagram depicting the many different types of social media" uploaded on 8/5/2008 via wikipedia. CC BY 2.5
1. I was able to find Julie Klewer only on Facebook and Linkedin. I found Ryan Williams also only on Facebook and Linkedin.

2. They both have very limited social media presence, as they do not really need it to promote their business. Of the limited things they post they are about themselves and their businesses.

3. The main difference is that they seem more attached to their academic writing than their social media. They are more professional, more involved, and more detailed. 

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

In this post I will be reviewing the publications of the people I interviewed.
Cleaver, Alan. "Interview" Uploaded 8/10/2008 via Flickr. Creative Commons
Ryan Williams has authored a plethora of works, ranging from academic articles to research papers to lecture slides for class. Julie Klewer has published newsletters for the Arizona Society of Public Accountants, and for her company.

Ryan William's first paper is a research paper about how access to bank credit affects trade credit in the supplier-customer relationships of U.S. firms. His second is also a research paper about how a firm's customers and suppliers make relationship-specific investments whose value reduces if the firm undertakes risky investments. 

Julie Klewer's first paper is a newsletter about Roth IRA rules and married filing specifics, and her second is another newsletter about preventing tax-related identity theft. 

The main differences between these two genres is that Dr. William's papers are more formal and longer. A research paper is a bit more formal and less specific, delving into many different concepts and explaining them. The newsletter is less formal, and deals only with the topic in its title, which makes it shorter and have less depth. 

Conventionally, the newsletter is more straight and to the point, and made for the convenience of the reader. It is formatted so that the reader can skim through and fine what they want. The research paper is more bulky and more tailored to someone who would be reading it with interest.

The overall message of William's first piece is that supplier firms with "access to a bank line of credit or that borrow more on their line have higher outstanding trade credit" (Williams 18). The purpose is to inform the reader about the effects of bank credit.  

The message of his second piece is that there is a "significant negative impact of managerial risk-taking incentives on relationship-specific investments by both customer and supplier firms" (Williams 29). The purpose is to inform the reader about how a firm's investments affect the firm's relationships.

Julie Klewer's first newsletter is basically made to inform customers of their ability to file their tax returns when they are married. The message is that there are several ways to do this, and those ways are explained in the newsletter.

Her second newsletter is about how identity thieves use stolen social security numbers to steal peoples identities. The message is that this is a prominent problem and that you need to take the necessary steps to avoid it.

My Interview Subjects

File:Afktv interview.jpg
afk tv. "Afktv Interview" uploaded on /07/09/2010 via wikimedia. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Julie Klewer
Julie Klewer is an accountant who works at Ludwig Klewer and Co. PLLC. She is a partner of the firm. She earned a bachelor's degree in accounting in 1988 from Arizona State University and an MBA from the University of Arizona. She has been working professionally for 17 years. I interviewed her over the phone at 10:30 on Friday, February 19th. The questions I asked her were:

1. What have you authored or published?

2. In what way do you think you communicate the most in your profession?

3. What are the different ways that you communicate in your profession?

4. Do you use social media professionally?

5. Do you communicate in any audio/visual way?

6. How do you communicate with your partners?

7. What is your purpose when writing?

8. Who do you write to the most?

9. What is the most challenging form of communication that you use?

Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams is a Finance Professor at the University of Arizona. He earned his Ph.D. in Finance from Georgia State University in 2012. He has been working professionally for 4 years. I met with him in person at 3pm on Monday, February 22nd. The questions I asked him were:

1. What have you authored or published?

2. In what way do you think you communicate the most in your profession?

3. What are the different ways that you communicate in your profession?

4. Do you use social media professionally?

5. Do you communicate in any audio/visual way?

6. Who else have you written with/for?

7. What is your purpose when writing?

8. Who do you write to the most?

9. What is the most challenging form of communication that you use?

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

In this post I will be providing a self-Assessment of my Final Project.
Nathalya Cubas. "The Self" Uploaded 5/9/2013 via wikipedia. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
I am not a huge fan of what I have created. I think that is is fairly mediocre, definitely not my best work. I think I did a good job on fitting in the genre conventions of a QRG, but I think my content might be a bit lacking. I wish that I had managed my time better so that I allowed myself an extre couple of hours to thoroughly edit my final draft.

I think my project is weakest in content. I am nervous that I did not include enough detail about the stakeholders in my work. I think I should have added a little more detail to each stakeholder and maybe even add an entire other stakeholder to help my reader understand the full effects of this controversy.

I think I did a good job when it comes to conventions. I utilized hyperlinks, pictures, and sub-headings in my QRG. I think that if someone read my work they would identify it as a QRG.

Like I said before, my time management was not great. It was signifacantly better than it was when doing projects like this in my past, but it still was not good enough to ensure that I produced the best work that I could.

Local Revision: Variety

In this blog post I will be analyzing the sentence variety in my Draft.
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AnonMoos. "Basic Constituent Structure Analysis" Uploaded on 9/14/2014 via wikimedia. Public Domains
I think that my sentence variety is pretty good, I have a multitude of sentence structures throughout my draft. I vary my sentences fairly well in my draft. Being a QRG, I tried to focus on making most of my sentences short and scannable. 

I use the genre conventions of a QRG to help me with my transitions. I use the sub-headers to tell my audience that I was on a new subject. I think this was a very effective way to do it, and appreciate the genre making it easy to do.

I liked my vocabulary in my draft. I think that I did a good job in using a variety of words that were sophisticated but understandable. I am sure that my audience would have no difficulty understanding my words and would also be engaged and interested by my word choice.

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

In this blog post, I will be analyzing the pronouns I used in my Draft.
Honsvu. "Demonstrative Pronoun" Uploaded 3/20/2014 via wikimedia. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
1. I am not particularly fond of my use of pronouns in my draft. I do a fairly good job in the first part of my paper in using a variety of pronouns, but at the end, I use a lot more. I do this because I need to, because I want to convey my message to my audience concisely, but unfortunately, that takes away from the flow of the paper.

2. I only speak to my audience once, when I am relating the experiences of the officials to the possible experience of the audience member. I am not a huge fan of what I did here, but I want it to stay in order to involve my reader. I am not sure as to how effective this is, but I think it should work.

My Pronouns

In this post I will be listing the pronouns I used in my draft.
Honsvu. "Demonstrative Pronoun" Uploaded 3/20/2014 via wikimedia. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
They (Swiss Police)
It (Bar Au Lac Hotel)
It (Bar Au Lac Hotel)
You (Reader)
You (Reader)
You (Reader)
He (Sepp Blatter)
They (Coca-Cola)
They (Coca-Cola)
They (Coca-Cola)
They (Visa and FIFA)
Their (Visa)
Them (Visa)
Their (Visa)
They (The public sponsors of FIFA)
He(Sepp Blatter)
He(Sepp Blatter)
He(Sepp Blatter)
His(Sepp Blatter)
He(Sepp Blatter)
He(Sepp Blatter)
His(Sepp Blatter)
He(Sepp Blatter)
His(Sepp Blatter)
His(Sepp Blatter)
He(Sepp Blatter)
He(Sepp Blatter)
He(Sepp Blatter)
His(Sepp Blatter)
His(Sepp Blatter)
His(Sepp Blatter)

Local Revision: Passive and Active Voice

In this blog post I will be splitting my verbs into active and passive voice.
File:Voice final rgb1.jpg
FCVRE. "Voice Final" Uploaded 7/13/2009 via wikimedia. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Active (Specific): 


Active (General):




1. I did not use passive voice very much, I mostly used active general voice in my draft. My use of active general verbs got the job done, conveying my message effectively to the audience.

2. I think that I could use more active specific voice in my draft. I think this would make my writing more engaging and interesting.

Local Revision: Tense Usage

In this post, I will be analyzing the tenses I used in my Draft.
EGG Past simple.svg
Robbiemuffin. "Grammatical Tense-Past Tense" Uploaded 5/1/2008 via Wikimedia. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike





I did not use any future tense verbs.

1. I use the past tense most in my draft.

2. I think that my usage of past and present tense makes it seem like more of a narrative.

3. I used past tense when describing the setting and the main event, and used a mixture of present and past when describing the stakeholders and their reactions to the controversy. I think this is appropriate in a narrative-style tone, and I think it flowed well.

My Verbs

In this blog, I will be listing all of the verbs I used in my draft.
File:WikiProject Council project list icon.svg
MLIAO. "project list icon" uploaded 3/1/2014 via wikimedia. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Local Revision: Wordiness

In this post I will be breaking down my "wordiest" paragraph in my project.
HikingArtist. "A picture is worth a thousand words" uploaded 7/26/2012 via wikipedia. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Original paragraph:

It was a crisp summer morning on May 27th, 2015. All was quiet outside of the Bar Au Lac in Zurich, Germany. Inside of the luxury hotel, a group of FIFA officials began to prepare for the 65th FIFA Congress. Unbeknownst to them, the Swiss Police were gathering outside to perform a large-scale arrest. They moved into the front lobby, requested the room numbers of seven officials in the hotel, and went to each room to arrest them. The tension in the air was palpable as the public was met with a shocking image of the officials being escorted out of the building behind big white sheets by the police. Simultaneously, two more arrests were made at The Confederation of North, Central America, and Carribean Association Football (CONCACAF) headquarters in Miami, Florida. These arrests directly led to investigations in Australia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Germany, and Switzerland.

Rewritten Paragraph:

It was morning on May 27th, 2015. All was quiet outside of the Bar Au Lac in Zurich, Germany. Inside of the hotel, FIFA officials began to prepare for the 65th FIFA Congress. The Swiss Police were gathered outside, then moved into the front lobby, requested the room numbers of seven officials in the hotel, and went to each room to arrest them. The public was met with an image of the officials being escorted out of the building by the police. Simultaneously, two more arrests were made at the CONCACAF headquarters in Miami, Florida. These arrests directly led to investigations in several other countries.

Which is better?

I think that the first one is better. It includes more vivid detail and is a better story than the second. I feel like my reader would enjoy reading the first paragraph more than the second. The second my be shorter and more concise, but the first paragraph will get the message across effectively without being too long. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review 2

I peer reviewed Nicolas Herard's draft and had this response. I also peer reviewed Jack Gyles' draft and had this response.
Burton, Gideon. "Peer Review Monster" uploaded 1/1/2009 via flickr. Public Domain.
1. I learned that though the genre may change, we are all trying to accomplish the same goal. This was valuable when considering the projects because it helped me understand what my end goal was, instead of spending all of my time perfecting the genre. I discovered that I should complete my goal and then fit it into the genre, instead of the other way around.

2. I did not like the way I ended my QRG, so I plan on completely re-doing it. I also thought I did not incorporate bullet points enough, so I will try to do that more effectively. I would like to restructure my information in order to make it flow better, instead of having long paragraphs.

3.  I think my information is the strongest part of my work. I spent a lot of time gathering this information and I think it will be the driving point of my draft. I also like how I have included relevant pictures in my QRG, I think they will function as a way for the reader to understand the situation in more ways than just reading what I wrote. I also love my title. I think it is relevant to the issue and does a good job grabbing the attention of a potential reader.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Draft of Project 1

View my Draft here.
File:Edward VI's 'devise for the succession'.png
Edward VI of England "Devise for the Succession" uploaded 1/28/2013 via wikimedia. Public Domain
This is a ROUGH draft. I know that it is not as polished or nice as I would like and I am sure that you share the sentiment. I will be editing this heavily and adding pictures so if you have any recommendations or if you notice any issues let me know. If you notice something please inform me, do not worry about hurting my feelings as I have thick skin. The only thing about this that is probably not going to change is the format and the title.

Thank you for your input- Malik

The Setting

In this post, I will be describing the setting of the event to you.
File:Zürich - Schanzengraben - Baur au Lac 2010-07-07 15-22.jpg
Roland Zh. "Schanzengraben" Uploaded 8/9/2010 via wikimedia. Creative Commons.

The setting of this controversy would be the Bar Au Lac Hotel in Zurich. The Hotel is a beautiful example of Swiss architecture and has proudly been a part of the hotel industry for 170 years. Located in bustling Zurich, Bar Au Lac attracts some of the richest and most influential people in the world to its beautiful suites. Overlooking the lake with a beautiful view of the Alps, this is truly the perfect spot for a hotel. This world-famous hotel is perched upon its spot of fame for a reason, with its beautiful lakeside park and access to the Bahnhofstrasse, which is a breath-taking shopping street. Guests can delight in the cool air and enjoy the smells and tastes of the fresh cooked food in any one of the four dining rooms.

It is ironic to think that this beautiful hotel would be the sight of this catastrophic scandal. Imagine the surprise of the locals and other tourists when they learned that there were seven arrests of major FIFA officials. Taken from their rooms behind white sheets and taken into custody in broad daylight for all to see must have been a humbling experience. This just goes to show you that no matter how affluent or no matter where you are you are always subject to the law.

The Time Period

In this post, I will be explaining the time period of the event and finding different news stories at different levels of news; Local, National, and Global.
File:Wikinews Breaking News.png
Vask. "Wikinews Breaking News" uploaded 2/13/2005 via wikimedia. Creative Commons
This event happened on May 27th, 2015. This was headline news at any level, so the tabloids were full of stories about this controversy. One story related to this controversy would be the arrival of a group of international medical experts who gathered in Zurich before the FIFA officials arrived. They were there to meet with the FIFA officials and discuss the medical research that was to be done on behalf of FIFA.  Local news does not have much more in the way of related stories, but there were a few stories that came up around the time of this event. There was a deadly shooting in a town in northern Switzerland, northwest of Zurich. Five people were killed on May 10th, 2015.

Nationally, this event still took the first page. A few other things of note that were happening in Switzerland were scientists understanding why there are holes in Swiss cheese, and the restarting of a large Hadron Collider. Scientists discovered that the reason there are holes in Swiss cheese is simple; there is hay in the milk that is used to make the cheese. The milk turns to cheese and the hay does nothing, leaving behind the signature holes that has made swiss cheese famous. After two years of upgrades, scientists have reactivated the large Hadron Collider located at CERN. They hope to keep it running for three years straight, on the quest to discover dark matter.

Globally, this was not the biggest event that happened in May (though it was up there). In a historic vote, Ireland became the first country to legalize gay marriage by popular vote, winning 62% to 38%. This historic event took place on May 22nd, 2015. A week later, on May 29th, 2015, the U.S. officially took Cuba off of the state-sponsored terrorism list, which was an act done by Obama to normalize relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

Stakeholder #3

In this post, I will be analyzing Stakeholder #3 and identifying how this controversy affected it.
File:Sepp Blatter at signing of agreement creating FIFA Ballon d’Or in Johannesburg 2010-07-05 1.jpg
Casal Jr., Marcell. "Sepp Blatter" Uploaded 7/5/2010 via wikimedia. Creative Commons

Joseph (Sepp) Blatter is an interesting stakeholder because he is actually one of the officials who was accused in the massive scandal. He is one of few to actually fight publicly against his accusations. Sepp Blatter was the President of FIFA, before December 2015 when he was formally fired and banned from the company. Sepp Blatter is a 79-year-old Swiss businessman who joined FIFA as a general secretary in 1981. He worked his way up the ladder until he was elected president of the association during the 51st FIFA congress in 1998. Ever since his election, he has been shrouded in controversy, and his public image is not a good one. People look at him as the crime boss of the soccer world. Physically, this is not an inaccurate description. He looks his age, with balding gray hair and an almost constant grimace. He is always seen wearing a suit and tie, as he is mostly photographed at press conferences commenting on the latest scandal surrounding him. He moves slowly and deliberately and has a habit of covering his face with both of his hands in exasperation.

Blatter said that he would resign from the presidency of FIFA after the latest scandal, but he would wait until February to do so. He did acknowledge that “FIFA needs a profound restructuring.” When called upon by his sponsors to resign immediately, Blatter refused, and his lawyer told the media “Mr. Blatter respectfully disagrees with [their] position,” Richard Cullen, Mr. Blatter’s lawyer, said in response to Coca-Cola’s statement, “and believes firmly that his leaving office now would not be in the best interest of FIFA nor would it advance the process of reform and therefore, he will not resign.” 

This is obviously not in the best interests of the other stakeholders, and it seemed like everything was stacked up against Blatter. The whole controversy finally ended with his career on December 21st, 2015, when Sepp Blatter was fired and banned from being involved in Soccer in any way for eight years.

The Big Event

In this post, I will be telling you about the "Big Event" that started off this controversy. 

Unknown Author. "Flag of FIFA" uploaded 5/31/2009 via wikimedia. Public Domain.
It was a crisp summer morning on May 27th, 2015. All was quiet outside of the Bar Au Lac in Zurich, Germany. Inside of the luxury hotel, a group of FIFA officials began to prepare for the 65th FIFA Congress. Unbeknownst to them, the Swiss Police were gathering outside to perform a large-scale arrest. They moved into the front lobby, requested the room numbers of seven officials in the hotel, and went to each room to arrest them. The tension in the air was palpable as the public was met with a shocking image of the officials being escorted out of the building behind big white sheets by the police. Simultaneously, two more arrests were made at The Confederation of North, Central America, and Carribean Association Football (CONCACAF) headquarters in Miami, Florida. These arrests directly led to investigations in Australia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Germany, and Switzerland.

A few hours after the arrests, the U.S. Justice department released 47 indictments against 14 people involved in the scandal. This marked the beginning of a massive scandal that would change the soccer world. The officials would be tried for a plethora of charges, ranging from embezzlement to bribery to money laundering. Later on December, 16 more officials would be arrested for similar reasons. 

My Sources

In this post I will be providing you with key sources that I used in researching my controversy. I will also provide a brief analysis of each source.
Source engine logo and wordmark.svg
Edwards, Tom. "Source Engine Logo" Uploaded 8/8/2009 via English Wikipedia. Public Domain
The first source  that I found and have used was an article posted on the BBC news page. BBC is the British Broadcasting Company, a well-known television source in Europe and America. It is based in the UK, so it was closer to the event and also more involved, as Europe is the country that is most involved in soccer. The article does not specify an author, which impacts its credibility. The article was posted on December 21st, 2015, which is after the last of the arrests occurred. This is important because it is at the end of the year, and the article is a summary of the events that happened throughout the year. This changes the way it was written to give the event a certain finality though the scandal may not be over. The article was very informative, providing a great base summary of the events and how they effected the world. This article is a summary, so it does not contain any new information. For this reason, its effect on any of the major financial stakeholders is limited. However, in a controversy this large, a stakeholder would be the fans of the sport, and this article provides them information on the subject, which could affect them positively.

A source I have relied on greatly in this project is an article written by Josh Halliday in The Guardian. The Guardian is another news source based in the UK, so its location has the same effect the BBC's. It was written on the 27th of May 2015, so it was written after the initial arrests but before the final arrests. This means that it would not be completely accurate as of this current date. The Guardian is a widely read source, so its credibility is good. Halliday is an online blogger turned journalist and has many commendations on his work. He has many postings on the Guardian, which increases his credibility. Like the BBC source, this is a summation of events, so aside from informing the general public of the events that transpired, it has little effect on the stakeholders.

Another source I used was a video I found on the edition portion of the CNN website. This video was accompanied by an article that transcribed the contents of the video as well as providing links and quotes. CNN is an American news source, and this could be seen by the content used. The article focused on how Americas involvement was the reason that the arrests happened, along with a base summary of the events. This article was written on the 28th of May 2015, so at almost the same time as The Guardian article. This is not surprising because that is the time that the scandal became public. The authors are Greg Botelho and Elliot C. McLaughlin, both Newsdesk Editors for CNN.

This article was also of use to me. Posted on the 27th of May 2015, it provides an interesting narrative that outlines the base concepts of the scandal. It does this by providing relatable comparisons between the events and other events and entities. This site and author are less focused on the soccer side of the controversy and more on the social side. is a magazine-turned-blog, which talks about current events as they happen. It is not necessarily the most reliable source, but the author of the article has many publishings on the website, which adds to his credibility. K.M McFarland has been writing articles for for about a year, but unfortunately, does not include any personal information in his biography so his credibility can not be assured. 

This article provided me with the opposite perspective. This article was written concerning only the soccer aspect of the controversy. This article was valuable only because it provides a relatively unbiased opinion on the story. It is quite obviously a student-run blog, as it lacks the requirements of a professional blog. For example, it does not supply me with the date it was published nor any information about the author, Christina Malliris. Despite these glaring issues, it is an interesting read and provides a fresh eye from a fellow student into the issue. Overall, this is not a very credible source, yet it is useful to me because it provides a good perspective. 

This ESPNFC video is the interview of a Major League Soccer (MLS) official named Don Garber. He basically says that the entire sport is fed up with the scandals and the controversies and that they, like the stakeholders, want change in the association. This interview was conducted by the ESPN Staff, which is a fairly ambiguous title. However, when dealing with a source like an interview, it is hard to argue credibility as you are witnessing it yourself. It was published on December 21st, 2015, so after the entirety of the arrests had happened. This information is finally a full representation of the fans and players opinions of this controversy.

I liked this article because it provides an in-depth timeline of the entire controversy. This is a great resource to use when trying to understand what happened and when. It was published on 10/9/2015, but it continues to update the timeline as the scandal evolves. The author, James Whaling, is an online sports journalist who posts to this site several times a day, which is a good inclination that he is credible. 

This New York Times article was useful because it provided a timeline of President Sepp Blatter's presidency (I like timelines). This was important in helping me conceptualize and follow the many controversies that he has been involved in. This information also helped me understand why there was a problem in the first place. Like the other timeline, this one continues to update as this last major scandal comes to its close. This is posted in the New York Times, which is a credible source of news. It does not include the author's name, which damages its credibility.

This CNBC article is an article about the future. With the emergence of this scandal, the future world cup being in Qatar is under question. A lot of the controversy that led to the investigations that eventually led to the arrests of these officials stemmed from FIFA's decision to host the 2022 world cup in Qatar, despite all of the reasons that that would be a bad idea. This article discusses the likelihood that the World Cup may move. I like this source because it outlines the long term effects this scandal has on the sport itself, not just the people involved. This article was posted on 
the 27th of May, 2015, right after the scandal erupted. The author is Leslie Shaffer, who is a senior writer at CNBC. This source seems very credible based on that fact. 

This article on the Washington Post was of use to me because of the video it had on it (which has recently become unavailable for unknown reasons). The video was basically just a summary of events, but it was well explained and therefore quite useful to me when I was trying to get a grasp of what had happened. It was posted on May 27th, 2015, which is right after the initial event.The authors are Michael E. Miller and Fred Barbash, who are a journalist-editor duo who have collaborated on a number of stories for the Washinton Post. 

Stakeholder #2

In this post, I will be analyzing Stakeholder #2 and identifying how this controversy affected it.
File:Old Visa Logo.svg
Unknown. "Old Visa Logo" Uploaded 8/30/2010 via wikimedia. Public Domain.
The next large stakeholder in this scandal is Visa. This multinational financial company does a majority of its business through online money transfers throughout the world, operated by customers using their Visa cards. Visa became a sponsor of FIFA in 2007 when they partnered up before the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. They were also involved in rugby tournaments throughout Europe in the early 2000's. Visa has also been a world sponsor of the Olympics since 1986. Visa is involved heavily in American Football, sponsoring several teams including the San Francisco 49ers. They have headquarters in Foster City, California, where they conduct most of the companies operations. They host many customer appreciation based competitions and sweepstakes, which strengthens their public image and makes them appeal to their customers. They have not been partnered with FIFA for as long as some of the other sponsors, yet their contributions to the world of soccer makes them an integral part of FIFA, both financially and publicly. Visa is generally viewed positively though they themselves have fallen victim to a few scandals. However, these scandals have been mostly resolved so Visa holds a widely shared favorable opinion with the people of the world.

As mentioned in the blog about stakeholder #1, the main sponsors of FIFA agreed that there needed to be a change in the leadership of FIFA. Visa went public on the issue by saying “Given the events of last week, it’s clear it would be in the best interests of FIFA and the sport for Sepp Blatter to step down immediately.” Visa has the same power as Coca-Cola in enforcing their recommendation. They can do little more than just go public and hope that applies enough pressure to put things into action. Once again, Joseph Blatter was adverse to this point of view.

Stakeholder #1

In this post, I will be analyzing Stakeholder #1 and identifying how this controversy affected it.
File:Coca-Cola logo.svg
Coca Cola. "Coca-Cola Logo" uploaded 6.17.2007 via wikimedia. Public Domain.
FIFA boasts a group of very well-known and important stakeholders. Coca-Cola is one of these stakeholders. Coca-Cola became FIFA's first official sponsor in 1974 when they publicly supported one of FIFA's global development projects. They are known for, of course, their world famous drink. However, the company has many other things going on. They are a massive business, owning many well-known labels such as Minute Maid, Barq's, and Odwalla. They are sponsors of many sports, not just FIFA. They support NASCAR, the PGA, the NCAA, the Olympics, and several others. As you can see, Coca-Cola is heavily involved in many worldwide events. They have many outreach programs throughout the world. They are widely viewed as a good company, as their outreach programs have proven beneficial for their public appearance. Coca-Cola has its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. Its website is tooled for customers from all over the world, as it has options for all different languages and countries. Coca-Cola's brand is consumed every day, so it is not surprising that they have such a notable public persona.

As would anyone involved with this scandal, Coca-Cola was not pleased. FIFA has been wrought with controversy lately, and this scandal was the tipping point. Coca-Cola first went public first by saying that it wanted FIFA's president Joseph Blatter to resign, as he has been at the root of many corruption scandals. They wanted this step to be taken in order to win back the trust of soccer fans.

"Every day that passes, the image and reputation of FIFA continues to tarnish," Says Coca-Cola in an email, "FIFA needs comprehensive and urgent reform, and that can only be accomplished through a truly independent approach.". Coca-Cola is only a sponsor, so they do not directly have the power to enforce such a recommendation. However, they hold significant influence in the media and in the company, so saying something like this has no small effect. In recent scandals, Coke has opted for a sideline approach, but with this scandal, the pressure for them to do something was mounting. They released their public statement the night of the arrests, and Blatter announced his resignation several days later.

The public sponsors of FIFA all shared the same stance as Coca-Cola did. They almost unanimously agree that the big problem in the association is Joseph Blatter. One stakeholder that does not agree with this viewpoint would be Mr. Blatter himself, saying that he had "No intention of quitting".

Friday, February 5, 2016

Analysis of My Rhetorical Situation

In this post I will be talking about how I see my rhetorical situation and how I will use that knowledge to complete my project. I will be discussing my audience, purpose, and myself (the author).
File:"Eye of Providence" inside triangle interlaced with circle above doorway of building, Venice.jpg
gnuckx. "Eye of Providence" uploaded 5/30/2010 via wikimedia. Creative Commons

Being so that FIFA is a company that is greatly involved in soccer, a large majority of people that would be interested in this topic would be people who are involved in soccer. This could be the soccer players, soccer fans, analysts, and even those who play the popular video game. Based on this, a big part of my audience will be involved in soccer in some way. These are the kind of people who would watch soccer on TV, play with their friends, or even go to a game. These people are not restricted to any certain gender or even age, as soccer is a timeless sport. It is also a multi-cultural sport, so people of all ethnic backgrounds could potentially be interested in this story.


My goal in this project is to inform. I want to tell my audience what happened, and how it effected the world of soccer. I also want them to know who it effected that may not be directly related to soccer. I want them to read my Quick Reference Guide and feel that they have been fully informed as to what happened and let them form their own opinions about the people involved. I want them to be able to identify the key stakeholders in the controversy and how they were effected by the event. I want them to know when and where it happened, and then explain to them why it is important for them to know that.


I am perfect for this story for one reason: I am interested in both sides of the story. Most people who read or write about this subject will be interested in either the business corruption aspect or the sports aspect. I am interested in both. Being a business student, business is greatly interesting to me. I love seeing real-world examples of business practice, and I especially delight in controversies in the business world. I am also an avid sports fan. For as long as I can remember I have loved sports, and I would say that sports would be among my top interests.