Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

In this post, I will be answering these questions about my fine cut:

  • Key information about your particular project that you would like anyone who peer reviews your draft to know
  • Major issues or weaknesses in the “Fine Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those weaknesses)
  • Major virtues or strengths in the “Fine Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those strengths)

1. What I would like you to keep in mind as you review my draft is that this is the first time I have ever created any media like this. I hope that it has the correct conventions and that my argument is clearly defined.

2. I would say that an issue I had was the lack of outside audio in my piece, and I did this simply because I did not know how to get audio for it from the internet. I should have spent more time researching how to do this.

3. I think the strength lies in my argument, and that anyone who watches my video essay will be convinced that I am right.

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