Friday, April 8, 2016

Production Report 11a

In this post, I will be talking about a bit of rough content I have generated from my content outline.

Opening Section:

Introduce myself and the issue. While introducing myself, relate to the audience.

The content I have produced from this is a rough transcript that will be adapted into video essay format. 

Opening Section Raw Content:

"Hello everyone, my name is Malik and I will be talking about the minimum wage controversy. This controversy has been in mainstream media as of late, highlighted by the presidential race that is happening here in America. The basis of the controversy is the democratic nominees are promising and urging raising the minimum wage both federally and in the states. This call has lead to several states announcing to raise the minimum wage through a myriad of ways. The response to these announcements is the elation of the lower to middle class people, and the wariness of economists."

While I talk, have pictures of what I am talking about appear on screen, news headlines, etc... Make sure there is a picture of both democratic nominees and many of the protests that have been happening and the celebrations that have been happening. Also, when referring to states announcing to raise the minimum wage, show pictures of those states (California, Seattle, New York, etc...)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Malik!
    I think that your raw content sounds good. I like how you gave a little bit of background information about your topic, it will help the audience to have a better understanding (if they don't) about your topic. I think that your use of a diverse vocabulary was really good! One thing though, and I am not completely sure, but maybe give your video essay a title. Other than that, I think your project will be really good!
