Friday, April 8, 2016

Production Report 11b

In this post I will be talking about a bit of rough content I have generated from my content outline.

Main Body 1:

State my personal view on the controversy. tell the audience I will be analyzing the pros and the cons, but tell them I am more on the "this idea is bad" side. Tell the audience why I am. Explain to them why some people are on the other side.

The content I have produced from this is a rough transcript that will be adapted into video essay format.

Main Body 1 Raw Content:

"I have my own opinion on this topic. I tend to side a bit more with the economists who are wary of this minimum wage increase. First, I think we should identify the problem. The problem, at its base, is that lower-class workers are not provided with a "living wage" and that poverty is very high in America. The solution proposed by many is simple; give them more money. Make the companies they work for pay them enough to truly provide for themselves and their families. This is a humanitarian solution, a kind of Robin Hood-esque approach of take from the rich(the big companies that hire minimum wage workers) and give to the poor. This is an easy side to take, because it appeals to the moral values shared by many of the people involved in this controversy. People on this side of the argument find themselves asking: 'how can anyone not want this solution?'".

Find content that is applicable to what I am saying. Maybe include a clip of Bernie Sanders talk about the "living wage". Maybe include a picture of Robin Hood as well.


  1. After reviewing both your raw content and your suggested edits, I think that you have a really good basis for your video essay. I like the idea of having a script to read off of for your audio, but I think it could be developed much more. You could include much more content, specifically related to the public opinion on a minimum age increase. Testimony is a huge part of video essays as evidence. Otherwise, I think that this is a great start!

  2. Hi Malik,
    I think you are off to a good start. However, since this is one of your body sections i suggest you add more content. Check out my suggestions at the link posted below. Best of luck! :)
    -Sofia Haserot
