Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report 12a

In this post, I will be revising content from my rough cut.

Main Body 2 (Rough Cut):

“The pros of a plan like this are fairly obvious. The concept behind the plan (giving money to the people who apparently most need it) is one that is easy to back from a humanitarian standpoint. This plan also has the support of big political figures in America (Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders most notably). This makes the plan easier to support because many peoples role models have placed there trust in it. This plan also caters to a majority of the population. More than 3 million people in America are being paid minimum wage, which is about 4 percent of the working population. The low wage leads to many of these workers to be at the poverty line or below it. The family and friends of these people are effected by an increase of the minimum wage, so it appeals to all of those people.”

Main Body 2 (Revised Version):

“The pros of a plan like this are fairly obvious. The concept behind the plan (giving money to the people who apparently most need it) is one that is easy to back from a humanitarian standpoint. This plan also has the support of big political figures in America (Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders most notably). This makes the plan easier to support because many peoples role models have placed there trust in it. This plan also caters to a majority of the population. More than 3 million people in America are being paid minimum wage. The low wage leads to many of these workers to be at the poverty line or below it. The family and friends of these people are effected by an increase of the minimum wage, so it appeals to all of those people. All in all, the wage increase should positively impact the lives of the American poor, and help control the massive poverty problem we are dealing with in this country

As I speak, include pictures of the political people who support this plan, maybe including articles that are titled with something that proves they do support it. Include a graph of the people working minimum wage. Maybe create a visual that shows how many people 3 million is. Illustrate the poverty line. 

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