Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on Project 2 Weeks 1-2

In this post, I will be reflecting on the first two weeks of project two.

This project has been more successful (so far) than project 1 because we got to talk to Sean and kind of tailor the schedule to fit our needs. The first week was the old way of doing it, with 8 blog posts. Those weren't particularly hard, as they were questions about the interviews, but were still tedious. The second week was much better with the new format, making us only do three blogs but still helping us plan and generate content.

This project was a daunting one at first, because we had to schedule interviews with professionals in our field. This is something that I had never done before. I would say that planning and executing these interviews was the most challenging thing that we did in the project. However, I would also say the interviews were a great success because of how great it was to meet the professionals and the content I was able to acquire from them.

If next week is as successful and intuitive as this week was, then everything should go well. The only difficulty is that it is spring break, so my time management skills will be put to the test. I have faith in the new system of doing our blogs though, so I am optimistic about next weeks proceedings.

Overall, I would say that I am much less stressed out than I was at this point in the last project. I really prefer the new system that we have come up with, and I also think that I just like this project more. I think that creating the outline and the plan for generating content is a good way to help me manage my time and focus on what I want to create.

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