Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report

In this post, I will be discussing one of my outline items and show my audience the raw material.

I will share the rough transcript of my podcast. This is a rough transcript that I will be elaborating on naturally in my podcast.

8a: Opening Section

Begin Podcast, start by welcoming my audience to the podcast and introducing it by its title (TBD).
Build off of title by specifying my audience (business students). Explain that I am also a business student. Explain to my audience the importance of business in the modern world, and tell them how business is unable to function without proper communication. Now move on to introducing my interviewees, Julie Klewer, Ryan Williams, and Steven Reff. Tell my audience that I will be focusing on a unique genre for each interviewee. Tell my audience what I mean by genre. Julie Klewer will be the genre of a newsletter, Ryan Williams will be the genre of a research article, and Steven Reff will be the genre of a textbook. In each genre, I will be discussing one or two rhetorical strategies. Explain what I mean by rhetorical strategies. For Julie, I will be discussing her credibility. For Ryan Williams, I will be discussing his use of tone and logic in his research article. For Steven Reff, I will be discussing his purpose.

I know this does not look like much but I will elaborate more on basically every part of it when I speak for the podcast.

8b: Closing Section

Revisit each of the genres of each main body section, to remind the audience of what I have talked about. After this talk about how each of my interviewees used email in their everyday life as another form of communication, and how that is one of the most important. Go more into detail on the effects of communication on a global scope, and reinforce its importance in the minds of the audience. Move on to explain that each of these genres are equally important in business life as a means of communication to the people they work with or work for. End with another sentiment about how business makes the world work, and thank my audience for tuning in.

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