Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Content Outline

In this post, I will be answering the question: How are you going to organize your project?

Opening Section:

Attention-grabber about the importance of business in everyday life, and how communication makes everything possible. Clearly define who my audience is (perhaps in the title of the podcast). Introduce each of my interviewers and the genres I will be covering for them. Explain the idea of genre and content to the audience.

Main Body Section 1:

Start with Julie Klewer, exploring the genre of a Newsletter. Explore the rhetorical situation, which will focus on the authors credibility. Go into the rhetorical strategies she uses in her work. She uses her website and her name to establish credibility. She uses a professional tone in her work, professional and applicable word choice, and references credible sources. The genre is short, formal, and audience friendly.

Main Body Section 2:

Next is Ryan Williams, exploring the genre of a research article. Explore the rhetorical situation, focusing on the audience of the research article. He uses word choice and reason to appeal to the logic of the reader. He uses a professional tone and advanced word choice to convey his message to the audience. He transitions clearly between sections of text, and includes comprehensive statistics in his work. The genre is longer (about 30 pages) and tailored to a specific audience.

Main Body Section 3:

Last is Steven Reff, where we will explore the genre of a textbook. In this genre I will focus mostly on purpose. I will delve into the rhetorical strategies of his work, and analyze the strategies he uses. I need to do more research into his textbook in order to accurately show what the genre is like.

Closing Section:

Summarize the strategies discussed in each genre. Include a brief note about email. Expand upon the idea of the importance of communication that was presented in the opening section. Apply the genres I have discussed to everyday life to show their importance.


  1. For the opener, I'm just wondering if this is an opportunity to clarify the audience for your project. The outline mentions explaining the role of "business" as a discipline in the world (love this idea) - but who are you explaining this to? Explaining that to people with no interest in business would be a different task than explaining that to eager young business students or seasoned business professionals... I'd like to get a better sense of who you plan on addressing the project as whole to. There's no wrong answer here, but being clear about this might help you work smarter not harder....

  2. Body section 1 - plans look great.

    Some food for thought: Could you zero in on just a couple of specific rhetorical strategies (like, from the bulleted lists in the Student's Guide). Narrowing here could create less work for you and a more focused analysis of the genre...
