Sunday, January 31, 2016

Twitter and What I Found There

In this blog I will be discussing what I found when I went on the business-side of Twitter. I looked at the main feed under #business, and also examined a few business focused twitters.

Twitter, Tweet, Twitter Bird, Social Network, Internet
ClkerFreeVectorImages "Twitter Tweet Twitter Bird" Uploaded on 8/4/2014 via pixabay.
When browsing through Twitter reading through tweets with #business in them, I noticed a lot of different kinds of posts. There were a good amount of ads and self promotions for random companies, there were a few posts from big businesses like Apple and Netflix, and there was also a lot of regular people posting about certain businesses and how they interacted with them. The ads were annoying, and I scrolled past them as do most people. I enjoyed reading the posts by the big companies, because I am always interested in whats going on with the big businesses of America. But I liked the personal tweets the most, because they really show what's going on in the everyday lives of people who interact with businesses around the country.

One feed that I saw a couple of times in the overall "business feed" was called Business News. It caught my attention because it was a feed compiled entirely of current news relating to the world of business. It included links in its tweets to big news stories, and basically acted as a center point for business news. I loved this, and followed it in order to be kept up with the world of business. I am interested in what goes on in the world around us so a Twitter like this is exactly what I am looking for. The second feed I found that interested me was one very similar to the other feed. It is called World Business News. This feed is similar to the other in that it shares interesting stories concerning the modern business world. Another good thing that this feed has is links to videos and podcasts that actually talk about stories, trends, and controversies in the world of business.

My experience looking at business through the medium of Twitter has been an interesting one. I have learned that Twitter is actually a very good place to find cool new things about business, which I had never considered before. It also shows business in motion, as wide tags like #business open me up to all kinds of businesses and how they effect the people around them. Even the ads and promotions on Twitter are an example of how business interacts with the world.

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