Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

In this post I will discuss the genre I have chosen for project 1: a Quick Reference Guide
GFlores. "Person typing on a notebook computer keyboard" 11/25/2014 via Wikipedia. Public Domain.
I am going to be writing my first project using the genre of a Quick Reference Guide. I am doing this because I find this genre to be very widely used online. I like this because then by learning how to use it I will be learning how to communicate over the internet effectively.

One convention of this genre is the use of hyperlinks. I love this convention because it does not take a lot of time to hyperlink when comparing it to creating a references page. I look forward to learning how to best incorporate hyperlinks into my project. One convention I want to refine in class is the way that a QRG is sectioned. I want to learn how to section my project most effectively with the help of my peers and instructor.

I am looking forward to Project 1. I am hoping that this will be a good start to a successful semester and I hope to learn about the use of my genre. I am anticipating a lot of work being necessary in completing this project, which is what I think will be my biggest challenge.

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