Thursday, January 21, 2016

My Writing Process

1. I consider myself to be a heavy reviser. When writing a paper, I prefer to just sit down, analyze the prompt, and then write down anything that comes to mind. I do this all at the same time in order to keep writing in one continuous thought, which I have found is most productive. I don't usually pay attention to format or conventions when I'm writing my ideas for the first time, and I sometimes don't even attempt to use correct grammar. I do this because I have found that I want to get all of my ideas down as fast as possible and that I can worry about the other stuff later when revising.
McPhee, Nic. "Editing a Paper" 1/26/2008 via Flickr. Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0

2. My writing process tends to only include one other of the processes: procrastination. I admit that I procrastinate quite often, and this has been an issue for me when writing papers. The biggest reason for this is that when I do my work I tend to just use my ideas, which don't need much planning. I also can usually write an unedited paper very fast, so I have been able to write a paper the night before it was due and been fine. However, I believe that if I were to procrastinate less, then my work would be more polished and edited better.

3. As I mentioned before, I have had great success with this writing process. I have found that writing the way I do has helped me in forming a paper that flows well, and my ideas tend to be easy to write about and explain. However, I have run into issues with procrastination. When I don't use my time wisely, I have had trouble finishing papers on time. Though I can usually do this no problem, I find difficulty when I am working with a prompt that I don't understand or don't have any ideas about.

4. I think that the way I write works very well for me. I think it would work better if instead of incorporating the procrastination approach in my writing, I used the sequential composer approach. I think that if I separated my writing into a brief planning period, my usual writing period, and then an extensive editing period I would find more success. I feel that this would help me avoid all of the issues I have experienced in the past with my writing.

1 comment:

  1. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
