Friday, January 22, 2016

Course Projects

hands, coffee, cup
Gregory, Ed. "Hands-Coffee-Cup-Apple" 9/9/2014 via Pexels. Public Domain

1. I am most nervous about the projects as a whole. They are worth a lot of points and so there is a lot of pressure. Mostly I am nervous because I am not very comfortable with 3 of the four required formats.

2. I am excited to learn how to create content in the different genres. I look forward to furthering my understanding of writing and expanding it to ou modern world.

3. I have to be ready to really sit down and work on these projects. With the amount of work that they require, There is no way that I will be able to complete them last minute. I will have to push myself to work ahead and be responsible with my time.

4. My past experiences have prepared me for a few things.I am prepared for the normal college, essay, as that is what I have been doing all my life. I am prepared to research because I have been doing that all my life as well. I think that I am fairly good at doing both of those things, So those skills will aid me greatly this semester.

5. The assignment sheets have done a good job in letting us know what we need to do. I am curious to see how the in class aspect of the projects will work, so I look forward to doing that in the coming weeks.


  1. I completely agree with your sentiment about being nervous over the amount of points these projects are worth. I also think the most challenging part of these projects might be that they are in different types of media that I personally have never explored before.

  2. I too share your excitement about being able to create these projects in multiple genres that we are not yet comfortable with. Along with you and probably most students beginning college, we are all proficient and the standard essay but extremely foreign to videos and podcasts. Thank you for your post as it was comforting to know most of us have the same feelings and in the same boat.

  3. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing items on the bulleted list of conventions there.
